Based on the letters of Earl Philip Reinhalter (1922-1953). Edited by his son, Earl Philip Reinhalter (1950-).
Victoria Bridge in Brisbane, Australia, 1943. According to his September 24, 1944 letter:
"If you will notice, you will see three little houses along the water edge next to the bridge. That basement
which is a floor of wood of these houses are all joined making the Brisbane Roller Rink."
Earl in his foxhole in New Guinea, 1944. In his May 10, 1944 letter he says: "The hole measures two feet wide, three feet long,
and the deeper the better. From the bottom of the hole to the top of the three layers of sandbags is about four feet.
At one time, I had a foxhole 6½ feet deep, but as it was too close to my bunk, I had to move it. Stumbling
over the sandbags and falling halfway into a foxhole every night became rather irking after a while."
A crashed plane in New Guinea, 1943. It looks like a Jap Zero.
Three soldiers and a plane on the runway at New Guinea, 1943. The nose art appears to say "West, By God, Virginie" and a couple musical notes.
Perhaps this refers to a song which used the phrase "West, By God, Virginia," which is what some people used to call West Virginia.
Tents at campsite in New Guinea.
Earl and a plane on the runway in New Guinea.
A river and jungle in New Guinea, 1943.
Natives in their village in New Guinea.
Earl and a plane on the runway in New Guinea, 1943.
This page established: December 7, 2018 Last updated: February 23, 2023
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