Nov. 21, 1942 |
Hello Ma: |
Well, here I am at Lockbourne Army Airbase. This is about 13 miles south of Columbus, Ohio. I left Harrisburg at 11:15 A.M. Friday and arrived here at 1:00 A.M. Saturday morning after spending about 14 hours on one train. This train made about 10 stops along the way, the longest stop being about 20 minutes at Pittsburgh. Incidentally, I never saw such a dirty city such as that. The sides of the houses reminded me of the walls of a coal bin. The soot from the trains covered everything. At no time were we (150 of us) allowed to leave the train. We ate lunch and supper in the dining car on the way. It seemed funny being bounced around while at the same time eating. I only jabbed myself once, however. The trip was not at all comfortable because it was so hot. The temperature outside was 74°, which the local paper claimed to be a record for this time of year. Our group had about the worst car. This car was designed and built for air conditioning. This would have been swell, but the air conditioning system was out of order and windows were of the double glass type which could not be raised. The doors of the train had to be kept closed while traveling. So, we all just sat there and sweated. At each stop, however, we opened the doors and cooled off. They let us sleep late today, but I got up at 6:45 and ate breakfast. Those who got up after 7:15 missed breakfast. It is now 11:10 A.M. Saturday, and so far, we haven't done anything yet. It is raining lightly outside now.
This is an entirely new base and it is here that I will probably get my training.
I just borrowed $5.00 from one of the boys, as I only had 13˘ left after sending the 40˘ telegram [missing from this collection - Ed.], which you should have received before this letter.
Please take $30.00 out of my drawer and send me a money order or something.
Don't send that sewing kit nor that letter writing set just yet. I will let you know when.
Well, it's almost 11:30 A.M., and I am going over now to eat lunch.
Earl |