Feb. 18, 1943 |
Hello Ma: |
Well, nothing much has happened since I wrote you last. Monday, I got a yellow fever vaccination. Wednesday, I got a needle for typhus and another for cholera. I still have to take two more shots for typhus and two more for cholera. Pretty soon it will be impossible for me to catch any disease if this keeps up. I have been taken off of the "line," and for the past three or four days I have done nothing but lie around the barracks. It is rumored that the present mail orderly is going to the hospital to have his tonsils and adenoids taken out. I expect that I will probably have to take his place while he is gone. Jerry Simon sent me a letter and told me about the books and about him joining the Marines. I still haven't gotten an answer from the card which I sent Buddy Yates.
Did Mr. Drager ever get that honorable discharge? [Editor's note: He is apparently following up on his request that she obtain this certificate from Mr. Drager to commemorate his former membership in the Maryland Minute Men civil defense organization (not to be confused with the current day anti-immigrant group).]
About those letters of recommendation for O.C.S., you can get those from C. Mahrer, H. Freedley, and Mr. Wheeler. I don't know exactly how you can contact Mr. Wheeler. Maybe if you address it as follows, it will reach him:
Mr. S.J. Wheeler
Hull Inspection Department
Plant No. 1
Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Co.
Middle River, Maryland
You can explain to him how I made a score of 120 in the Army tests and that I may be able to qualify for Officer Candidate School. If and when you get these letters, you can send them to me along with the birth certificate. These letters should begin with these words: "To whom it may concern." Even after I get these letters, I don't know what my chances will be. Only one out of every 10,000 boys makes the grade. One boy here has been waiting six months to be called before the examining board.
I took some more of the pictures and will send them to you just as soon as I get them developed.
Well, I cannot think of anything else to say right now.
So, until later,
Earl |