July 1, 1943
Hello Ma:
Today I received two letters dated May 16th and May 26th and a card dated May 21st. Also, a letter from Phus dated May 17th. Oh yes, a letter from Margie of South Carolina, too. Ma, about the allotment: You can have that money to use yourself. I am receiving a 20% increase in pay for overseas service. This base where I am now is supposed to be one of the best in Australia. I like it better than any of the bases that I went to in the United States, even though the work is much more strenuous. About sending me packages or anything overseas: There is a postal ruling that anything which is to be sent overseas to Army personnel has to be first requested for by the soldier. The correct procedure is for the soldier to request it in a letter. Then you will take this letter along with you to the post office when you send the package and show it to the postal authorities. This is to prove that the contents of that package was requested for. [In subsequent letters, when he appears to be overly demanding, asking his mother to send him a lot of things, he is merely going through the formality of “requesting” something that has already been offered to him. - Ed.] Incidentally, please note that my A.P.O. number has changed.
Well, I went roller skating four nights last week and horseback riding another. I haven't drunk any Australian beer yet. I am going to take some more pictures soon with my camera. I still have three rolls left. Of course, all of my pictures will be censored. Ma, if you ever want to get any news to me quickly, about the fastest means for you to use is "V-Mail." But there isn't much writing space on this type of letter. Enclosed is the card which you wanted me to sign. Well, that's all for now -
P.S. If you ever want to send me anything, first let me know what it is. Then I can in return write a letter to you requesting it. Then you can do like I directed in the letter above.