Sept. 28, 1943
Hello Ma: |
I received Phus's letter the other day saying that you had been sick. I hope that you are O.K. again now. Does Yvonne like school so far this year?
I regards to O.C.S.: In the past week, things have finally started happening. As I told you before, I had gone before the examining board. I passed and came out number "thirty-something" in order of preference out of the entire Fifth Air Force. An order came out today stating that I and five others in my squadron are to report to the school sometime between Oct. 1st and Oct. 3rd. Today, I took another physical examination. The one that I took at Savannah was too long ago, they said. If the blood test and x-ray reports do not show anything out of the ordinary, I passed the examination. I have two small cavities in the back of my mouth to be filled yet. My heart, etc. are all right. It is an Army regulation that all privates and privates first class automatically become corporals two days before starting school. This pay will be $66.00 plus 20% for overseas duty, making a total of $72.20 [about $1,079 in 2020 dollars - Ed.]. The school will last three to four months. My master sargeant who has been in the Army over twenty years is also going. Likewise, one warrant officer is going. This school is not very far from where I am located now and my new address, whatever it will be, will in all probability have the same A.P.O. number. I was talking to one of the boys who works as a cook at this school, one day about two weeks ago. He claims that the course is plenty tough. For example, after the first examination of the last class of about 200 men, 40 men fell out. Well, that's about all for the O.C.S. question.
Have you received any Yank magazines or souvenirs yet? I enclosed some more Australian coins. I got a letter from a Columbus, Ohio, girl today. She says that Lockbourne has just been appointed as the main instructor school of the east. They teach instructors to teach students. Well, that's about all for just now; so, until sometime later -
Earl |