March 21, 1944
Somewhere in New Guinea
Hello Ma -
Since my last letter to you, I have received a Christmas card from Buddy and Violet Yates, another from Natalie Bartlett, a Valentine card from Phus, and two letters from you. One of your letters had A.P.O. number 723 on it, but anyhow I finally received it and that's about all that counts in the end. [Editor's note: It's note clear why she would have written A.P.O. 723. None of his previous addresses had that number. Only his A.P.O. number in Australia the year before was even close, 923.] Mrs. Roussey says that Fred is on one of the Hawaiian Islands and that George Harmony [he probably means George Harmening - Ed.] is now somewhere overseas, too. Gus Fetting is stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and was recently home on a 15-day furlough. Robert Kornman is still not in the Army.
Phus said that Kitty and Dorothy Hammer went ice skating at Carlin's. Boy! I wish that I could do likewise, but of course that is only wishful thinking. I guess that Daddy was surprised to hear that Jimie Farrari [Jimmy Ferrari? - Ed.] was discharged from the Army so soon. I read the two Baltimore Suns and the story about the Martin bombers at Midway. In your letter, you talked about cablegrams. Up here, they come in only as ordinary mail. I still haven't received that one roller skate. I received the three snapshots of you and Yvonne. They turned out pretty good. Thanks. Yvonne must be plenty smart. Enclosed is the slip of paper with my name on it for the bank. The letter with the pictures was stuck all together. I had to peel the envelope off. The pictures were only stuck around the edges and so the pictures weren't ruined. Well, things here are once again peaceful as they used to be. No Jap planes anymore. A miracle happened here this week. For three whole days and nights, it didn't rain. But right now, the "heat wave" has been broken by rain. I wrote Natalie a thank-you letter for the Christmas card. (Almost in time for Easter.) In all, things here are about the same - day by day - day in and day out - the same old routine. But anyway, I wouldn't take a million "bucks" for the experience that I am getting, but then, neither would I take a million "bucks" to go through it all over again. Well, this is about all from this end - nothing much to write about. So, until next time -
Earl |