Oct. 23, 1944
New Guinea
Hello Ma:
Well, there is, as usual, nothing doing where I am. I guess that the South West Pacific Theater has stolen the headlines from the European Theater, now that the Philippines have been attacked by MacArthur. Since my last letter, I have received two from you. One dated Oct. 1st and the other dated Oct. 8th. Thanks for Yvonne's snapshot and little note. Also, for the little drawing of the Bedouin's tent. No, I haven't received the certificate for the course which I completed. I now have another course half completed. Mail service is extra bad now. The same old story. I received the dimensions of the movie reel. It, however, will be sometime next year probably before I will be able to send the movies to you. Don't ask me why. Just because of existing circumstances. A couple days ago, I received 14 cans of beer. It had accumulated due to bad mail service. It comes by boat. Boy! Was the squadron in a fine fix that night. One boy who is full-blooded Indian practically went crazy. Another boy roamed around the camp area on his hands and knees barking like a dog. We nicknamed him "Rover." The next day he remembered nothing. All of the boys who made pigs of themselves that night got extra drunk. Long after the lights went out, some continued to roam the camp area and sing, or rather yell, at the top[s] of their voice[s]. I conserved my beer. Drink a few each day. It just goes to show you what happens when you are not used to it.
Well, since my last letter, I have gone fishing three times. I caught three tuna fish, which averaged two pounds apiece. One fish was the largest that I ever caught. It weighed about three pounds and looked something like a shark. We have fun throwing rocks at the sharks which come to within 20 feet of the shore. One broke a wire leader on my hook. We use live eels for bait, which we dig from a nearby riverbank. I use parachute rope for a fish line. It's pretty strong. Ordinary fish line breaks when a big fish is caught. Anyway, the ocean is very rough. We stand on the bank and throw our fish lines out. As a change of diet, fish is very good.
Well, I won't be able to send any money home for a while, as I am still paying for my movie camera. I would like you to take four of my $25 checks and buy yourself and the rest of the family the Christmas presents you want. Well, that is about all for just now, so until later -