Jan. 4, 1945
Hello Ma:
Received letters from you dated Dec. 10, 16, and 17th. How is Yvonne's appendicitis operation? I guess that it will be a while before she gets back to school. Glad your burned arm is again well. Is Daddy's eye all right again? Hope so. It seems that the week of Dec. 7th was full of bad luck for you at home. Yes, I want you to remind me to tell you how I spent that week. I had a couple of close shaves - and I mean really close. It would only cause you to worry if I told you the full details - besides censorship regulations prevent me from doing so. Well - more about that when I get home. [He is referring to the recent Jap paratrooper attack, which is likely when he was wounded. - Ed.]
Read the clipping about George Harmening. Guess that he was plenty happy to get home once again. I wonder how long Steve Getz and Frank Walraven were overseas? We haven't set up our darkroom here yet. Not any Christmas packages yet. You asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I cannot think of anything that I want. Besides my Christmas presents will reach me in time for my birthday - I think. So - don't buy me anything for my birthday. Hope everyone liked their Christmas gifts at home. You forgot to tell me what you bought yourself for Christmas as a present from me. Read Yvonne's school paper. Also, Sunday Suns. Those, I always pass onto [John] Hutchins.
Received a letter from Mrs. Roussey. Edgar Nichols, Jimmie Rose, and Edgar Kelly got home on furlough, Mrs. Roussey said. They all live on Collins Ave. Maybe Kitty knows them. Edgar Nichols was wounded in Italy last spring - shot in the arm or something. Jimmie Rose walks with a cane - shot in the hip. Don't know if anything happened to Kelly or not. Robert Kornman is still out of the Army - so far, that is. Mrs. Roussey said that she sent me some kind of package. A Christmas present - for my birthday - it is. Fred is still in Saipan. Gus [Fetting] was last heard from in Italy.
Received a Christmas card from Miss Natalie Bartlett. I'll write her a letter of acknowledgment like I did last Christmas. It will be kind of a short letter. It seems that she forgot to answer the one last year. Ah, yes! These 4-F gigolos must be having a field day back home. Oh well, someone has to keep up the home front morale. More power to them. Natalie wished me to have a grand time this year. Yeah, sure, I'll have a good time. I wonder just what some people's idea of a good time is. Yeah, have a good time while in combat. Quite a joke that. About as funny as a broken arm. But then, too, maybe I have a poor sense of humor. Oh well, I guess that she didn't mean it exactly the way it read.
I have my earphones hooked up to a radio which is about six tents away. Heard the Duffy's Tavern program and am now listening to the Kate Smith program. Received 14 cans of beer yesterday. Today, I went to the dentist. He drilled for one hour and filled a total of one tooth. I had a headache and stiff neck when he finished. Tomorrow, I shall return for another cement job.
Well, that's all for the present. I wonder what a snowball feels like. So, until next time -