Based on the letters of Earl Philip Reinhalter (1922-1953). Edited by his son, Earl Philip Reinhalter (1950-).

<- PREVIOUS LETTER July 13, 1945
Floridablanca, Luzon, Philippines

July 13, 1945

Luzon, P.I.

Hello Ma:

      Received your letters of June 25th and 28th and also Kitty's letter of June 29th. You mentioned in one of your letters about a lot of advertising material which you are keeping for me until I get back. I wish that you would send it to me as soon as you receive it in the mail. I hardly think that any advertisement that is two or three years old is of any value to read. If you do not care to bother to send it to me, well, just throw it in the trash. Why not make up a box and put it all in? I guess that 95% of it now won't mean very much to me because of the time element. Incidentally, that Culver Aircraft advertisement that you received, I personally sent for six months ago. Some people request that you give your home address when ordering anything. That is what I have done in many cases, and that is how you happen to have a lot of my mail stored away for I don't know just what. I guess that all of my lost mail isn't due to boats being sunk at that.

      So, Rose Quidley married a sailor or a soldier after knowing him only a month. Now he wants a divorce. If I were him, I would want one, too. Why? do you ask. Well, it's like this. She knew him one month. He has been overseas 2˝ years. She has a baby about 1˝ years old. So! He is overseas for a period of time of 12 or 13 months and his wife has a baby. Ha! Some joke. No wonder she is so willing to give him a divorce. That situation has happened not just a few times to boys in my outfit. One of my friends has been overseas about 26 months now. So, his wife (supposedly) has now two kids. One is 14 months old and the other is about 2 or 3 months old. What a joke. Ha! Oh well, he is getting a divorce anyway. Well, so much for that.

      Did you get Yvonne a birthday present yet - from me to her? No, I do not receive the Air Pilot Technician magazine anymore. Due to the paper shortage, the book is no longer published. Instead, they mail me Aero Digest. I am glad that Kitty asked me if I had any girlfriend troubles. Yeah, I have lots of them. I left one girl standing in tears last night. She started to get a little too friendly with another guy to suit me. So, I told her off. Oh well, I have too many girlfriends as it is anyway. I have a heck of a time keeping them all on the string at once. Sometimes I have to do some fast thinking and talking. Such was the time when one girl met me when I was with another. The girl was mad, and especially so after she noticed some lipstick on my collar. The girl that I was with hadn't noticed the lipstick before, and boy did she get mad. She knew that it was not hers. So, there they were both jumping up and down like a yo-yo. It took me 5 whole minutes to talk my way out of that one. Oh well, it makes life exciting. Although I do a lot of fooling, I never fall. Oh! I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle, etc... [referring to the hit song Jingle Jangle Jingle - Ed.] Yep! I don't think that I ever will get serious. Ha, what fools women are. Tell them that the moon is made of green cheese and they won't believe. Tell them that it is made of yellow cheese and they will believe it. So, it's all in the way you express yourself. You can put anything over if you know how. Gad, what a cad I am. Ha! Do my fangs show?

      Enclosed is a little clipping out of a news sheet. The dinner bill, if the soldier had eaten in town here where I do, would have come to approximately 111 pesos or roughly $55.50 [$797 in 2020 dollars - Ed.]. Some dinner check, huh?

      Well, Ma, everything is very quiet here. Nothing doing worth mentioning. Except, that which would not pass censorship. So, until next time -




Atlanta, Georgia.....Atlanta cafeteria diners lost interest in food when Pfc Chester J. Salvatori, Army's eating wonder, placed an order. They stared goggle-eyed as the 121 pounder put away seven orders of fried chicken, ten orders of French fried potatoes, nine glasses of orange juice, two quarts of milk, ten combination salads, five egg salads, two orders of olives, two glasses of iced coffee, two hunks of watermelon, five orders of rolls and five slices of apple pie. Salvatori on his first pass in a month, was eating light, he said.

      The voracious eating habit attributed by post surgeon, Fort McPherson, to exhibitionism, saying "Soldier enjoyed the amazement of the onlookers to such an extent, he eventually developed the habit of eating vast quantities."


“Jingle Jangle Jingle” by Kay Kyser


The Kindle book includes the letters; all 23 issues of the unit’s wartime newsletter “The Squadron Pulse,” which was originally edited by Leonard Stringfield; all 12 issues of the “Pennant Parade” newsletter that Stringfield published while sailing home after the war; complete text of the U.S. government booklet “Pocket Guide to Australia,” which soldiers heading Down Under were given to read; more than 200 photos; pre-war and postwar family history; and over 700 explanatory endnotes.


This page established: November 11, 2018             Last updated: February 23, 2023

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