Based on the letters of Earl Philip Reinhalter (1922-1953). Edited by his son, Earl Philip Reinhalter (1950-).

<- PREVIOUS LETTER September 10, 1945
Atsugi Airfield, Honshu, Japan

Sept. 10, 1945

Atsugi Airfield,

Hello Ma:

      Letters are not being censored anymore, so here are a few letters [He means pictures (photographs). - Ed.] that at one time in the past would not pass censorship. Pictures are numbered on the back.

      Pictures #1, 2 & 3 are of Jap prisoners in New Guinea.

      Pictures #4,5 6 - taken on the way up to Luzon.

      Picture #7 (with negative) taken while flying around Port Moresby, New Guinea.

      Pictures #8, 9, 10 & 11 - a few of the many airplane crashes that I have seen.

      Picture #12 (with negative) - taken at Amberly Field, Ipswich, Australia.

      Picture #13 - a poor picture of me taken in New Guinea.

      Picture #14 - the engineers building the airstrip at Saidor, New Guinea.

      Picture #15 - the first control tower at the Saidor airstrip, New Guinea. (with negative)

      The remainder of the pictures were taken at Saidor, New Guinea, where I was stationed from Jan 1944 until October 1944.

                  - All for now -

                          Am O.K.


Engineers building the air strip at Saidor, New Guinea, 1944.

The first control tower on the air strip at Saidor, New Guinea, 1944.


This page established: November 11, 2018             Last updated: February 23, 2023

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