Based on the letters of Earl Philip Reinhalter (1922-1953). Edited by his son, Earl Philip Reinhalter (1950-).

<- PREVIOUS LETTER October 16, 1945
Irumagawa, Honshu, Japan


October 16, 1945

Hello Ma:

      Well, still we wait. It seems that since the war has ended, the Navy hasn't had any boats. Maybe they are too busy having their parades in the New York Harbor to bother about us. During the war when every boat trip meant a move back to the combat area, they didn't seem to have any trouble at all in finding us a boat. Guess the Navy is too busy giving their boats away to other Allied countries. Sure, the war is over. Give away all the boats. We like it over here. Since the typhoon at Okinawa, they have been telling us that the boats have sunk. How much longer, I wonder, do they think that they can feed us that line of bunk? Someone better wake up. So, November 1st, the 60-point men become eligible for rotation. That's quite a joke when you consider that us 80- and 90-point men cannot even get home. Yes, someone had better wake up - and I mean fast. We are not going to take this much longer. If you remember, it wasn't so long ago that the Canadian army had a rebellion in England because they weren't getting home. Something will have to happen here very soon, either one way or the other. Just watch and see. I think that Congress at last is beginning to wake up. That's a good sign. If MacArthur ever decides to run for president, you will see one of the biggest "smear campaigns" in history and he will not appear to you to be so grand and glorious when it's over.

      That's all for now. I am going back to bed now to sleep another week.

P.S. One boy had the brilliant idea to rebuild a Jap boat. When he was swamped with volunteer help, the officers found out.


The Kindle book includes the letters; all 23 issues of the unit’s wartime newsletter “The Squadron Pulse,” which was originally edited by Leonard Stringfield; all 12 issues of the “Pennant Parade” newsletter that Stringfield published while sailing home after the war; complete text of the U.S. government booklet “Pocket Guide to Australia,” which soldiers heading Down Under were given to read; more than 200 photos; pre-war and postwar family history; and over 700 explanatory endnotes.


This page established: November 11, 2018             Last updated: February 23, 2023

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