Based on the letters of Earl Philip Reinhalter (1922-1953) and the squadron newsletters that he sent home. Edited by his son, Earl Philip Reinhalter (1950-).
A Roster of the 3rd Airdrome Squadron (1945)
It is probably impossible, at this late date, to locate a roster of all the personnel who served in the 3rd Airdrome Squadron during World War II. However, many of their names appeared in The Squadron Pulse newsletter that was published weekly in 1945. Also, newsletter editor Leonard Stringfield mentioned many soldiers by name in the captions of his personal photo album, which his grandson Erich Stegmaier showed me. Additional names were found online in obituaries and news articles. Here is a list that I compiled of those names. I did not list each man’s rank because occasionally people got promoted, so the ranks were not the same throughout the war.
It is unknown how many men served in this unit. My father’s letter of March 7, 1943, when the squadron was in training at Savannah, Georgia, said there were 270 men. The Squadron Pulse newsletter of March 10, 1945, mentions "more than 200 men." His April 8, 1943, letter says “240 or so.” And once the squadron reached Japan after the war ended, his September 9, 1945, letter says “250 men.” In his letter of February 10, 1945, he said that a little over half the men who originally came overseas were still with the squadron, so there was turnover. The grand total for the war may have been 350. The list below has about 249 names. There are 136 men in this group photo, date unknown. |
Alegria, J.M. Anderson Annerino, Jack Appicello, Joe Arbeeny Argondizza Armbrester Arnold, Jim Badal Bahn, Gilbert Schuyler Baird Barney, Richard A. Basso, Henry Baylor, “Pop” Beaubien, “Beau” Beck Bender, Pete (“PeeWee”) [or “Peanut”] Bennett, Ernest R. (“Ernie”) Bennett, Frank Bentley Benton Berenger, “Frenchy” or "French" Berning, Harry ("Bones") Bland, John J. Blankenship, “Blank” Bosse Boyll, Lawrence R. Bradford, Roy Brentano, “Dutch” Briggs Brooks Brown, “Brownie” Buck, Ralph Bulger, Jim Bull, Dwight Butto, Bill Calkins, Richard Veryl (“Dick”) Callahan, Clarence Herman (“Cal”) Cantor Cantrell Caplan, Lester Carlson Carroll Carter, Lew Carter, Stan Cathcart, “Pinky” Cecchi Cellery Cheney Clark, A.R. Coffman, “Mickey” Coleman, Tom J. Cooper Corvelyn [William Corveleyn?] Craig, Archie Wayne Crane Crawford, “Chick” Cummings, “Beast” Davenport DeFosche Demay DeVore, “Strum” Diaz |
Donges Donovan, Dan Drecoll Dunbar, Bill (“Red”) Eastland, “Charlie” Eckles, Charlie Engerbretsen Feiser Fessenden, Doane (“Fez”) Foster, “G.I.” Fountain Fowler, William A. (“Big Bill”) Frye, “Ducko” Gaglio Galiano, Guy M. Garra Gensheimer George Goelzer, Bob Goodman, Jerry Goodman, John T. Goodson Greenwell Grether Griggs Halferty Hall, David Charles Hamer Harrell Hayes, “Dick” Henderson, “Rebel” Henry, Douglas (“Doug”) Hofer Hoffstead, George Holthaus Horne, Al Horne, Charles D. (“Charlie” or “C.D.”) Hornung Hotchkiss Houghton Howe Hritsko Hunt Hutchins, John (“Hutch”) Ivanick, John (“Johnny”) Jackson, James Jackson, Kenneth Jacobs, Robert James, Chris John Jolly Jones Kanorr Kashuba Kaufman Kean, Sidney (“Sid”) Keeler Keister, Art Kelsey Kendrick Klein Klinzing, Edward C. Knisely, Sam |
Kolley, Jack Kornosky, George Kraft Krumbholtz LaMont Lanigan Lary Launi Layser Lindsey, Woodrow W. (“Lind”) [possibly spelled Lindsay] LoMagro, Charlie Long, “Shorty” Longhi Lopez [Senen?] Lott Low, Elliot W. Lueker Majewski Martucci Mascolina, Andy Mazzalla [or Mazzala or Mazzulla] McCallum McCoy McDonald, R.J. (“Mac”) McQueen, Harry McReynolds, “Tex” Meirte Michod Miller, E.E. Miller, Percy Miller, W.C. Miracle Mitchell, Robert W. Montgomery Moore [?] Mosely Mullins, “Moon” Myers, Roger Napier Nelson Norton O’Neal, “Bull” Obrsajko (“Obersaki”) Orr, Curt Ory Ouellette Peach Penn, Houston Peterson Phipps Podvojski Poe Pollock, R.W. (“Doc”) Porter Radler, Al Ralston, Harold W. (“Fox”) Ramsey Redmond Reinhalter, Earl Philip Reyes, “Chili” Robles |
Rohal Romalin, Jerry Rose Rosenblum, Sam (“Rosy”) Russell Ryan, William Joseph Sargent, Earl Scaglione, Louis (“Scag”) Scher, Lew Schlick, Otto Schmitz Schwartz, Sid Scurich Selander Sewerynczyk, Vasily Shearer, “Cat” Shouman [or Shuman?] Skinner Smith, R.E. (“Smitty”) Smith, R.T. (“Bob”) Smith, Ray Smith, Willie Jo Sorgen Steele Steen, George H. Stengel Stouch, John W. (“Johnny”) Stringfield, Leonard H. (“String”) Stuart, “Ace” Swanson, Roy C. Taylor, “Pop” Theobald, Larry Thomas Tilghman, Al (“Tilly”) Tremblay Trudeau Tudor, Aubrey Turpin, Luther Vaden Votto Vucetich, “Tex” Waltner Watson Weinstein, Ben Weissman, Harry Whitman Whittemore, H.H.P. Wiggins Williams, “Ted” Wilson Wooden, James H. Wrathmall, Scotty Yanke, Eugene R. Yeager, Raymond H. Yendell Zalucki Zimpleman Zulkowski Legal name unknown: “S/Sgt Cappie” “Swede” “X-2” |
This page established: September 15, 2019 Last updated: February 22, 2023
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