UPDATED: 1-16-2022



This photo was taken within a Parkersburg grocery store in the early 20th century, most likely after 1907. Visible are a First National Bank Calendar (it's the month of January with the first day being Saturday, which means the year is most likely 1911, 1916, 1922, 1933 or 1939). In the center is a Heinz display, and there's a Storck Bakery sign at the top center of the picture. The store is gaslit. If you recognize it, please contact Jim at jimddddd@aol.com.

Hi Jim, I hope this is finding you well. Thanks for your interesting site, I have looked at it so many times. I did see the following which will help date it:

- The little poster in between white triangle poster and Storck Bakery poster looks like a King Kong poster. I searched original 1933 King Kong posters and there are some where he has his arms raised like that. That would lend weight to a 1933 picture.
- On the calendar, which I can't get National out of that no matter how hard I try, looks more like Federal to me but we know what the banks were, below the name and above the calendar page looks like two futuristic vehicles, car and a locomotive perhaps. I search on early 1930's futuristic vehicles and there are 1930's era model pictures that looked like that. I say this in sense that that would date year of calendar pretty specifically I would think.
- In the Heinz display, there are two interesting artifacts that would date it. One is a couple of sitting up rabbits per the rabbit ears. The second is that on the end of table cloth, hanging over edge, is a puppy logo on each corner. I searched Heinz museum displays and didn't see these, but I'll bet that dates the display very well for Heinz sources. Also they would probably be thrilled to have a copy of this picture to display in their museum if they don't already have it.
- Per the comments on your page about Angelo's, what I recall being in there a few times, very young, early 60's, is like you say, a confectionary, but what my impression was was that it was a very narrow store. I recall walking down along in front of the counter, it was boistrous, and some women as well behind the counter. It just was sort of the exact opposite of this picture from my impressions.
- Having said that, I don't have any recollection of anything like this picture, or see anything that could place it. I will also add that that cardboard (?) cutout of girl in bonnet carrying what looks to be donuts (?) behind her is absolutely beautiful. I would not have been able to tell it was a Stork Bakery cutout.
Ralph Daugherty
Jacksonville, FL

Jim, the photo on your site of the store looks like the old store building on the corner of 15th Street and Lynn street. I grew up in that area and I have been in that old building before and it looks just like that inside. My father told me that it use to be a grocery store in the 20's and 30's. I don't have any idea of what the name of it was but, I hope this helps you. --- Melissa Dotson

Melissa, that store on Lynn was Wiseman's Grocery, owned by Woody Wiseman. I used to go there myself in the late 1950s. But I don't think this is that store.--JimD

Hey Jim, could that store be Angelos Bros at 800 Seventh Street? I used to go there with my grandfather in the '50s and seem to recall they made all the Easter candy in town. I used to love to visit there on a Saturday. What a great site for a trip down memory lane. Thanks --- Ray Foutty, Sarasota, FL

I was curious as to whether you had identified the picture of the grocery store. It sure does look like Angelos to me. I was born in 1948 and my great aunt had Beaulah's Beauty Shop next door, so I was sent there to get her lunch many times, and later in high school my future husband used to take me there for lunch. The ceiling is different as I remember the metal ceiling tiles. Still i do have a feeling it could be Angelos about 2 doors away from the Palace Theater on 7th steet. --Cheryl Bush Richards, Parkersburg

Well, Ray and Cheryl, that's two votes for the Angelos Brothers, Pete and George, but wasn't their store a confectionary shop? They were at 800 Seventh Street as early as 1929 and lasted well into the 1950s and perhaps afterward.--JimD

I have examined the photo. Although I have not been able to identify exact location, I have been examining store contents to pinpoint timeframe. I have noted a few things. Upper left on the top shelf appears to be Kellogg's box cereal. Can't make out type of cereal, but Kellogg's has an awesome website at http://kellogghistory.com that details history of their packaging.

Also some Heinz packaging timeline info might help if the quality of photo allows you to identify any of these things:1931: Ready-to-serve soups were introduced in tin cans and four varieties of baby food were introduced in 4.5-ounce enamel-lined tins. 1901: Beans were hand-wrapped and hand-packed in cans at the Pittsburgh bean plant. 1900: The octagon glass bottle, keystone label, neckband and screw cap came together as Heinz's signature package. 1897: After success of pickle pin at the World Fair, the company decided to feature a pickle on all of its labeling--and has incorporated the icon ever since.

Also found this information on Storck's logo which says first time used was October 1920. I can't make out the Storck's sign in the photo, so I'm not certain which logo is displayed in the photo. http://www.trademarkia.com/logo-71315808.html

As for a date, I'm leaning toward the 1920s. Looks like a picture of a woman on the wall above/behind the man standing at the counter. Her hairstyle also leads me to bellieve 1920s. Is that a large person (mannequin) in the top center of the photo, or is my eyes playing tricks on me? It looks like a woman wearing a bonnet and carrying a basket. I don't know what company used that type of promo, but it might help date this as well. Thanks. --Kristy Whited Champion, Vienna, WV

In 1939 my Grandmother and Aunt lived half a block away from the Wiseman's Grocery at 15th and Lynn St. I was only 7 years old at the time but I often made errands to that store to pick up an item needed to prepare the next meal. Woody was a very young man then and the store was owned and run by his father. Woody did work in the store and was always very friendly with everybody. The store shown in the photo at the above referenced site was not the Wiseman grocery in 1939, In 1939 the cash register and scale were at the front of the store and Mr. Wiseman stood at the cash register with his back toward the front glass window fronting on Lynn St. The rear of the store was their fresh meat area. By the way they would also provide their customers with live hens on request. Many adults of that time believe that freshly killed chickens provided the best eating. I didn't like the idea and haven't eaten chicken or other fowl since. In fact I have been a vegetarian for the past 31 years.
Thanks for the opportunity to go back in memory to revisit the place. --Byron "Ted" Byers, Tepic, Mexico


Parkersburg Pure Crystal Ice.delivered blocks of ice to customers around town in the early 1900s.
The employees included Henry C. Ruf (left) and Dutch Pahl (in the wagon). There are
trolley tracks on the street. Does this look familiar to you? Can anyone confirm?
(Courtesy of Louis Ruf, 1500 23rd St., Parkersburg WV 26101)


These 1896 photos, inside and out, show the home of the "painless dentist,"
but the address is unknown. Do you know where it was?


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