UPDATED: 6-6-2021 |
Parkersburg's first high school, called the Washington school, was founded in the 1870s in a small frame building at the corner of Seventh and Green streets. The first graduating class, in 1874, consisted of three students--all girls. By 1890, enrollment had grown so much (there were 19 graduating seniors) that the Board of Education allocated funds for a new, much larger building, which was completed the following year at the same location. By 1915 the student body had grown so large that school days had to be divided into ten periods, with kids arriving at different times. To solve the problem, the Board bought a 27-acre plot of swamp land just off Dudley Avenue in 1915, drained it, pounded pilings into the ground and began building a new high school.
This 1909 photo of the Carnegie Library (at the corner of 8th & Green, right) and Parkersburg High was taken from near the bottom of Quincy Hill, looking southwest. Two blocks in the distance, at the corner of 7th & Market, are the Chancellor Hotel and the Union Trust Building.
The Carnegie Library and PHS in the early 1920s. Eighth Street is on the right. (Photo courtesy of Artcraft Studio, 519-521 Market Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101; (304) 485-5771.) |
The former Carnegie Library building, circa 1980.
(Photo by Harry Barnett, courtesy of Dan Kemper.)
The school in the 1890s. |
Looking northwest, around 1910. |
The Washington Jr. High School band stands in front of the school's main doors in 1929.
Washington Jr. High was demolished in 1964. |
Photo: Gary Traugh. |
"I attended Washington Jr. High from September 1956 to May 1958. It was like an old barn. One day during my second year (eighth grade) we had just begun afternoon class when suddenly we heard a horrible explosion outside the door. The whole building shuddered. The heavy plaster ceiling of almost the entire first floor hallway had collapsed in a cloud of white dust. If it had fallen down only a few minutes earlier, many of us would have been killed or injured. But there's a happy ending: We got the rest of the day off."--Jim Dawson |
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